about us

Predomina mi interés por la literatura. Julio Verne y Stevenson son mis primeras lecturas un poco conscientes. En el instituto recuerdo leer a Baroja, Unamuno, Delibes y Galdós. Por mi cuenta, comencé a leer a Kafka, Dostoievski, Borges o Cortázar, toda una sacudida. En un curso de literatura Hispanoamericana, descubrí a Rulfo, Sábato y al enorme Onetti. Después llegaron otros autores: Bernhard, Ribeyro, Pessoa, Rhys, Lowry, Biedma, Valente, Mateo Díez, Vila-Matas… Unos libros llevan a otros: autores como Sebald, Modiano, Blecher, Joseph Roth, Natalia Ginzburg, Francisca Aguirre y cómo no, Piglia y Levrero o el francotirador Saer. Y ahí seguimos, desempolvando lecturas necesarias.
Music is another of my hobbies. In those days we bought at Discoplay. Several friends got together to benefit from the progressive discount. I remember listening to “In The land…” by Caravan and Camel, Yes, Bach, Satie, Scriabin, Coltrane or Benny Carter; while studying. Leonard Cohen, Led Zeppelin, Little Feat, Jackson Browne also played... Then you continue discovering new performers and groups: Pearl Before Swine, Darius, Bob Theil, Art Pepper... They were times of enormous singer-songwriters and innovators: Pablo Guerrero, Hilario Camacho, Luis Pastor , Víctor Jara, Silvio Rodríguez, Sisa, Gualberto, Vainica Doble... Today they are missing in these uncertain times. Also highlight those first broadcasts from Radio Tres and Radio Clásica, which I still listen to today.
And how can we not remember those unforgettable Cineclub sessions in the eighties. That magnetic black and white cinema by Jean Renoir, Jean Vigo or Truffaut. The incipient cinema of Wim Wenders or those fascinating films of Víctor Erice, of whom we always wanted more regularity.
From all of this, my previous site emerged, which today presents renewed continuity, as well as a new author: Verónica Kolar.
Fernando Hernandez
I like cinema, music, literature, all genres, the bike, the presence of the sea...
I totally agree with what Antonio Gamoneda says: “poetry is not literature. It contains our joys, our sufferings, and that relationship with existence gives it a character that goes beyond genres.” Maybe that's why I like it so much.
Veronica Kolar