Efren Hernandez

About "Tachas" and Efrén Hernández

Today I want to talk about the Mexican writer, Efren Hernandez. Through his personality and taking refuge in his first story published in 1928, "studs"; I would like to point out the main features of his writing.

Born in Guanajuato in 1904 where he studied the basic grades. It is important to highlight the early loss of his father in 1918. Efren contaba con 14 años. Para ayudar en la casa tiene que trabajar donde puede.

In reference to the death of his father and his various jobs, he himself tells us in his Autobiographical File:

“…I have reached an age that he did not reach because he lacked, for this, nine years. I was fourteen then, and I have been left to face life at my own expense and risk since then. This explains why he has come and gone in so many directions without hitting any. First I was an apothecary's apprentice, then a waiter in the same court in which my father had been a judge, and in what follows, and in the same order in which I write it down: shoemaker's apprentice, silversmith's apprentice, clerk in a clothing store, etc. ».

In 1925Following in his father's footsteps he enrolled in law in the capital. Does not finish studies ending up disenchanted He is very explicit about it:

“I wanted to leave those studies, because what is learned there seemed empty and without the core of true substance. From that experience I still have the impression that the accolades of university degrees are nothing more than a fraud.”

"In my formation, I do not count, then, but the high school, and the school, in my view, even more important, of direct life, of contact with men of flesh and blood, and with good books and the world ».

will try survive based various businesses, as sale of handicrafts or old bookstores, demonstrating his love for books. In letter to Pascual Aceves, bill Hernández his financial difficulties and his desire to write:

“On the one hand, I never lack bretes, illusionists to do this and the other. Then the despair of my inability to write the verses, the essays, the stories that I wanted. Add to this the economic problems that declining my time to those things that
They don't leave money. That it is no longer simply keeping up with the sweat of my brow in the same dose as every neighbor's son, but also, at this age, still being, in that sense, a beginner, a misfit. Here you will see me at this point without a trade or benefit, having to bear the burden of not having a profession or any known specialty.

(Pascual Aceves Barajas, "Life, consecration and absence of Efrén Hernández", in El Universal, March 1958)

An I work in the government offers some stability. The publication of the story "studs", in 1928 introduces you to the literary scene of the country, but in a minority level.

From 1934 collaborates in literary magazines. Marco Antonio Millan, director of the magazine "America"he gives you his support. Between both will disseminate authors at that time unknown, as Juan Rulfo or rosario castellanos. Little to say about the importance that both later acquired.

Despite its integration into cultural life, the quasi-fringe character that always had and has Efren, it may be due to your not belonging of their own free will no intellectual or literary group.

But that lonely character which we can also see in ribeyro, Onetti or saer; allows us to appreciate your very personal creativity, without connection with the formalism of his time.
Efren moves away of the post revolutionary creation that characterized Mexico in those moments, which does not prevent her from being socially involved, because in some story we can observe a criticism of the social deficiencies of the moment. On the other hand, the influence of French naturalism is not observed either in his writing. Sand usually fixes on the Spanish Golden Age, but with one foot also placed on the Vanguard.

In the epilogue of studs, Salvador Novo is clear in explaining the writing so personal of Efren, foreign to French influence exercised in the Mexican writers of that time. On the other hand, it offers us a endearing countenance From the writer, fixing glasses with electrical tape:

“Efrén Hernández no ha contraído la literatura francesa porque tiene apenas los años que son necesarios para haber vivido en pueblos de México en que no hay librerías, dedicado a boticas y a estudiante de leyes, y porque vive en una casa de huéspedes en la que ha instalado una luz eléctrica suya propia sin metáforas, con focos que no ha comprado. Tiene, además, roto el vidrio de su anteojo derecho y lo ha soldado con cinta de aislar. Ha escrito lo que ha querido, sin gritar, sin buscar la notoriedad y con la misma inocencia con que saluda a las personas a quienes no conoce. Una mañana que me aquejaba como nunca del dolor de ver que nuestros jóvenes profesionales de la literatura profesional ya no tienen remedio; y que a ciegas buscaba entre los verdaderos jóvenes quién o quiénes serían las verdaderas personas capaces de prescribir sin formulario medicinas para mi espíritu, vinieron a mí unas cuartillas de concurso que debía revisar. Así penetró en mi admiración más ferviente lo que se acaba de leer. Ninguno de mis amigos ni de mis ex amigos es capaz de escribir así. Porque he tratado después a Efrén Hernández y no conoce más autores franceses que Charles Gide. Por él he recobrado la esperanza y la fe. Y le doy aquí mi ¡viva! más mexicano y mi consejo más serio: que no aprenda nunca francés».

(Epilogue to the story, "Tachas" Publisher: National Student League, Mexico, 1928.)

As well Octavio Paz gives us your impression when knows him in 1931 in an office where he worked with Xavier Villaurrutia:

“Behind the glasses lurked live, ironic eyes. He dressed as a notary clerk. She had a small, cracked voice that suddenly became high-pitched and metallic, like the screeching of a toy train going around a curve. He was the character of his stories: intelligent, shy, reticent, lost in circumlocutions that ended in paradoxes, falsely modest, extravagant and, more than distracted, abstracted, revolving around hidden evidence but whose appearance was imminent ».

(Octavio Paz: "Xavier Villaumitia in person and work." FCE, Mexico 1980)

We can affirm that the characters from his stories They're a prolongation of its creator. Characters humble, lonely, dreamers, somewhat malicious and ironic and in continuous digression.


Focusing on "studs", we see how the student Juarez of Procedure is hardly aware of the class of the professor orteguita. Stays lost, in the objects of the inside of the class or what you can see in the Exterior, like the clouds:

“It is great fun to watch the clouds, the clouds that pass, the clouds that change shape, that spread out, that lengthen, that twist, that break, on the blue sky, a little after the rain stopped. ”.

Go on rambling and to some extent philosophizing around the direction a person should take, making the choice difficult. Efrén skilfully introduces Cervantes, citing "Persiles and Segismunda", but above all to dreamy Don Quixote that due to his madness he let his horse take the course:

"Don Quixote let go of the horse's reins and went calmer and safer than us."

unconsciously heard that he professor has asked about him meaning of "tacks":

"The teacher said: What are studs? But I was thinking about many things; Besides, I didn't know the class."

maybe in his law classes, the same Efrén will withdraw from the classes, immersing himself in anything, and from there the idea of ​​the story started.

Keep imagining things but it falls into account due to a silence in the class, that the teacher Orteguita has directed to the the question. To get out of trouble, he will resort to a set of digressions without finding the demanded meaning:

“I could not guess the procedure that my brain, full of so many birds and so many clouds, used to get out of trouble, but the fact is that they listened to all this that I blurted out, very seriously:

—Master, this word has many meanings, and since there is still time, since we almost have half an hour to spare, I will try to examine each one of them, beginning with the least important, and continuing progressively, according to the interest that each one presents to us.

His speculations about the meaning, produce the laughter and mockery of his companions:

“Everyone laughed: Aguilar, Jiménez Tavera, Poncianito, Elodia Cruz, Orteguita. Everyone laughed, except the Tlacuache and I, who are not from this world.”

Efren introduce your friend to the story Cesar Garizurieta, nicknamed "opossum". Both went good friends during law studies. Cease also wrote stories and essays.

It is not intended to make the class laugh.. before the mockery, Juárez reflect on what natural Y absurd, doing turn completely the meanings in the successful irruption of Gomez de la Serna and the little birds:

“I can't find the joke, but theorizing, it seems to me that almost everything that is absurd makes people laugh. Perhaps because we are in a world where everything is absurd, the absurd seems natural and the natural seems absurd. And I am like that, it seems natural to me to be the way I am. Not for others, for others I'm extravagant.
The natural thing would be, says Gómez de la Serna, for sleeping birds to fall from the trees. And we all know it well, although it is absurd, the little birds do not fall ».

The Interior monologue of the character in his reverie occupies a large part of the story. We could affirm that Efren philosophizes through the character. In this way it is possible to notice the Azorin influence in his writing, but our author makes it his with the observation of the trivial. A story that starts from a everyday fact and as we can verify, the absurd and he humor they shake hands. Efren It seems laugh first of himself Y after us, to the subvert the terms. It is also observed some foray into the fantastic, presenting us that unreal halo of the character's daydreams. That bond brings you closer to Felisberto Hernandez, whose literature developed alongside that of Efren. Nor should we ignore how it introduces the poetics in the story. let's not forget that Hernández cultivated poetry, this yes; closely related to the authors of the Golden age Spanish.

Efren wins the complicity of the reader which lovingly follows the character's imagination and rambling.

To conclude, nothing comes to mind better than the words that Ruben Mallen dedicated to his death:

“Efrén Hernández lived most of his life in poverty and, what is worse, he completely lacked incentives. As his modesty prevented him from showing off, as his figure was wild and mean, few paid attention to him. That, however, something like a breath of respect surrounded his name… ”.

Rubén Salazar Mallén, “The death of Efrén Hernández”, El Universal, Mexico, February 4, 1958

let it be the story "studs" the one that encourages you to read other stories of Efren Hernandez.

STUDS (1928)

I leave the excellent reading that the story makes Jorge F. Hernandez, Director of Cultural Institute of Mexico in Spain:

Cover Image: Photo by Efren Hernandez, taken by his friend Juan Rulfo.

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